Aristotle (385–322 BC)
Birth & Early Life: Born in Stagira, Greece; son of Nicomachus, a physician to the Macedonian king.
Education: Studied under Plato at the Academy for 20 years, leaving after Plato's death in 347 BC.
Served at Hermias’ court; later became tutor to Alexander the Great (342 BC).
Founded the Lyceum in Athens, focusing on empirical research.
Death: Fled Athens after Alexander's death due to anti-Macedonian sentiment; died in 322 BC in Chalcis.

Major Works
Key texts include Metaphysics, Politics, Nicomachean Ethics, Poetics, and De Anima.
Aristotle vs. Plato
Ideal & Reality: Plato emphasized transcendent forms; Aristotle grounded ideas in material reality.
Knowledge: Plato prioritized dialectics; Aristotle categorized knowledge as practical, productive, or theoretical.
Forms: Plato’s forms exist independently; Aristotle argued they are intrinsic to objects.
State & Family: Plato suggested communal ownership; Aristotle upheld family and private property as natural.
Rulers: Plato supported philosopher-kings; Aristotle warned against elite stagnation, emphasizing practical wisdom.
Empirical Approach: Advocated observation and analysis over Plato’s dialectics.
Four Causes:
Material, Efficient, Formal, and Final Cause (telos), with the final cause being the ultimate purpose.
Teleology: All things aim toward their natural purpose, guiding Aristotle’s ethics, metaphysics, and politics.
Virtue & Ethics
Eudaimonia: Happiness or flourishing as the ultimate goal, achieved through virtue.
Golden Mean: Virtue lies between extremes (e.g., courage is between recklessness and cowardice).
Social Nature: Humans are political animals (zoon politikon), flourishing in communities.
State's Role: Enables citizens to achieve moral and intellectual virtues through participation.
Theory of the State
Teleological Basis: The state is a natural evolution of human association, from family to village to polis.
Man as Political Animal: Humans naturally seek communities due to speech and reason.
State’s Purpose: Cultivates virtues and ensures the highest good for its citizens.
Key Features:
Natural and necessary institution.
Greater than the individual, enabling moral and intellectual development.
Rejects social contract theories; emphasizes organic growth of the state.
Aristotle's Views on Rule of Law and Constitution
Rule of Law:
Law embodies collective wisdom and ensures justice.
Impersonal and fair laws guide citizens toward a virtuous life.
Reflects ethical values and structures political institutions.
Combines ethical goals (ideal citizen) and institutional frameworks (power distribution).
Key Elements of Constitutional Rule:
Common Interest: Aims at collective good.
No Arbitrary Power: Authority is constrained by law.
Consent over Force: Legitimacy through consent, not coercion.
Government Classification:
Good Forms: Monarchy, Aristocracy, Polity.
Corrupt Forms: Tyranny, Oligarchy, Democracy.
Polity as the Best Practicable Government:
Mix of democracy and oligarchy with middle-class rulers.
Stability stems from balanced governance and rational decision-making.
Ideal State:
Based on constitutional monarchy with moral virtues.
Citizenship defined by active political participation.
Supreme virtue of the state, encompassing distributive (merit-based) and corrective (restorative) justice.
Property and Economy:
Advocates private property but opposes excessive wealth accumulation.
Supports natural acquisition for needs over profit-driven trade.
Views slavery as natural for some, based on inherent qualities.
Driven by desires for equality or superiority, wealth, and honor.
Causes include inequality, corruption, power concentration, and discontent.
Prevention measures: Adherence to laws, power checks, citizen education, and conflict management.
does not include works of Aristotle