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Chapter-3 Nazism and the Rise of Hitler | Class 9th SST History NCERT

Writer's picture: Krati SahuKrati Sahu

Hi students, this is Krati. I understand how social science could be boring for some students ,however i did my best to make it easy for you all. Section-1 of class 9th History Ncert contains three chapter 👇

Section I: Events and Processes  

I. The French Revolution

II. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

III. Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

So let's check the notes for third chapter and do leave your review down at the end of the post 🤩


Introduction: Understanding Nazism

  • Personal Story: Helmuth, an eleven-year-old German boy, overheard his parents discussing suicide due to fear of Allied revenge.

  • Context: Germany surrendered to the Allies in May 1945, leading to the collective suicide of Hitler and his inner circle.

  • International Tribunal: The Nuremberg Tribunal was established to prosecute Nazi war criminals for Crimes against Peace, War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity.

  • Nazism Defined: Nazism was not isolated acts but a systematic structure of ideas about the world and politics.

  • Understanding the Fear: Helmuth's father, a Nazi supporter, feared retaliation for Nazi atrocities.

  • Scope of Nazi Crimes: The genocidal war led to the mass murder of 6 million Jews, 200,000 Gypsies, and other civilians.

  • Means of Killing: Nazis employed unprecedented methods like gassing in killing centers such as Auschwitz.

  • Nuremberg Tribunal: Only eleven leading Nazis were sentenced to death, reflecting the complexity of punishing such crimes.

  • Impact of World War I: The rise of Nazi Germany can be partly attributed to the aftermath of World War I.

  • Objective: Understanding Nazism involves exploring its ideology, actions, and repercussions on a global scale.

  1. Birth of the Weimar Republic

Context of World War I

  • Germany fought alongside Austria against the Allies.

  • Initial gains were made, but the entry of the US strengthened the Allies, leading to Germany's defeat in 1918.

Establishment of the Weimar Republic

  • With the defeat of Imperial Germany and the abdication of the emperor, a National Assembly convened at Weimar.

  • Established a democratic constitution with universal suffrage, creating the German Parliament or Reichstag.

Impact of the Versailles Treaty

  • Versailles Treaty imposed harsh terms on Germany, leading to loss of colonies, territories, and resources.

  • War Guilt Clause blamed Germany for the war, demanding heavy reparations and demilitarization.

Effects of the War

  • Psychological and financial devastation across Europe, burdening the infant Weimar Republic.

  • Supporters of the Republic, mainly Socialists, Catholics, and Democrats, faced attacks from conservative nationalists.

Political Radicalism and Economic Crises

  • Spartacist League uprising paralleled the Bolshevik Revolution, leading to demands for Soviet-style governance.

  • Economic crisis of 1923 caused by war loans, reparations, and French occupation of the Ruhr, leading to hyperinflation.

  • Stability from 1924 to 1928 was undermined by dependency on short-term loans and the Wall Street Crash of 1929.

Years of Depression

  • Great Economic Depression worsened German economy, with industrial production dropping to 40% of 1929 levels by 1932.

  • Unemployment soared to 6 million, causing despair and social unrest.

  • Middle classes, small business owners, and peasants suffered, leading to fears of proletarianization and loss of confidence in the Weimar Republic's stability.

Political Fragility

  • Inherent defects in the Weimar constitution, including proportional representation and Article 48, weakened its stability.

  • Twenty different cabinets and liberal use of Article 48 reflected the Republic's political instability.

2. Hitler’s Rise to Power

Early Life and Political Beginnings

  • Born in Austria in 1889, Hitler served in the German army during World War I.

  • Joined the German Workers’ Party in 1919, later renamed the Nazi Party.

  • Attempted to seize power in Bavaria in 1923, but failed and was arrested.

Emergence of Nazism

  • Nazi Party struggled to gain support until the Great Depression of the 1930s.

  • Economic hardships and unemployment fueled Nazi propaganda, leading to increased popularity.

  • Hitler's charismatic speeches promised economic revival, national pride, and restoration of dignity.

Propaganda and Mass Mobilization

  • Hitler utilized mass rallies and propaganda to project himself as a savior and messiah.

  • Nazi rituals, symbols like the Swastika, and the Nazi salute instilled unity and loyalty among the people.

  • Hitler's powerful oratory skills and promises resonated with the disillusioned masses.

Destruction of Democracy

  • Hitler appointed Chancellor in January 1933, with support from conservatives.

  • Exploited the Reichstag fire in February 1933 to suspend civic rights and target political opponents.

  • Enabling Act of March 1933 granted Hitler dictatorial powers, leading to the banning of political parties and trade unions.

Consolidation of Power

  • Hitler established control over the economy, media, army, and judiciary.

  • Security forces like the Gestapo and SS were used to suppress dissent and maintain order.

  • Concentration camps were established to detain and eliminate perceived threats.

Economic and Foreign Policy Achievements

  • Implemented state-funded work programs to boost employment and infrastructure development.

  • Withdrew from the League of Nations, reoccupied the Rhineland, and annexed Austria and Sudetenland.

  • Invaded Poland in 1939, sparking World War II, and formed alliances with Italy and Japan.

Downfall and Legacy

  • Overextension of military resources led to defeats, particularly against the Soviet Union.

  • Entry of the USA into the war, following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, hastened Hitler's defeat.

  • Second World War ended in 1945 with Hitler's defeat and the devastation caused by Nazi crimes.

3. The Nazi Worldview

Racial Hierarchy and Darwinian Influence

  • Nazis believed in a racial hierarchy, with Aryans at the top and Jews at the bottom.

  • Hitler's racism drew inspiration from Darwin's theories of evolution and survival of the fittest.

  • Aryan race was considered superior, and Hitler aimed to maintain its purity and dominance.

Geopolitical Concept of Lebensraum

  • Hitler sought to acquire new territories for German settlement to expand living space.

  • Eastern Europe, particularly Poland, was targeted for colonization and exploitation.

Establishment of the Racial State:

  • Nazis aimed to create an exclusive community of pure Germans by eliminating 'undesirable' groups.

  • Euthanasia Program targeted mentally and physically unfit Germans for extermination.

  • Jews, along with other racial and ethnic minorities, were persecuted and subjected to segregation.

The Racial Utopia

  • Genocide and war were seen as means to realize the Nazi racial ideal.

  • Occupied Poland was divided, with Poles forced to leave and ethnic Germans resettled.

  • Polish intelligentsia were targeted, and Polish children underwent racial tests for assimilation.

  • General Government served as a killing field for Jews, with large ghettos and gas chambers.

4. Youth in Nazi Germany

Nazi Control of Education

  • Hitler emphasized indoctrinating youth with Nazi ideology from an early age.

  • Schools were cleansed and purged of 'undesirable' teachers and students, especially Jews and the handicapped.

  • Textbooks were rewritten to promote Nazi racial science and stereotypes.

Hitler Youth and Ideological Training

  • Youth organizations like Hitler Youth were mandatory for boys, promoting loyalty to Hitler and glorifying war and aggression.

  • Boys underwent rigorous physical and ideological training before joining the Labour Service and armed forces.

  • Other youth organizations were dissolved to centralize control under Nazi influence.

The Nazi Cult of Motherhood

  • Girls were taught traditional gender roles, emphasizing motherhood and domesticity.

  • Women were expected to maintain racial purity and produce Aryan children to serve the Nazi state.

  • Mothers of racially desirable children were rewarded, while those deviating from Nazi ideals faced public condemnation and punishment.

Propaganda and Indoctrination

  • Nazi regime used language and media to propagate its worldview.

  • Mass killings were disguised with euphemisms like 'special treatment' and 'final solution'.

  • Media, including posters, films, radio, and slogans, spread Nazi ideas and vilified enemies, particularly Jews.

  • Propaganda films like "The Eternal Jew" depicted Jews as vermin and pests, tapping into people's emotions to promote hatred.

Appeals to Different Sections

  • Nazis aimed to appeal to all sections of the population by suggesting they alone could solve societal problems.

  • Propaganda was used to win support from various groups by offering solutions and portraying enemies as threats to society.

5. Ordinary People and the Crimes Against Humanity

Common Reactions to Nazism

  • Many ordinary Germans embraced Nazi ideology, expressing hatred towards those deemed 'undesirable', such as Jews.

  • They cooperated with Nazi authorities, marking Jewish houses and reporting suspicious individuals, believing Nazism would bring prosperity.

Resistance and Apathy

  • Active resistance to Nazism was limited, with only a minority organizing against the regime despite the risks.

  • The majority of Germans remained passive and apathetic, fearful of reprisals and preferring to look away from the atrocities.

Silence and Complicity

  • Pastor Niemoeller lamented the eerie silence and absence of protest among ordinary Germans in the face of Nazi crimes.

  • Many Germans chose not to speak out or act against the regime, contributing to the perpetuation of atrocities through their silence.

Jewish Experience

  • Jews internalized Nazi stereotypes, as documented by Charlotte Beradt's observations of their dreams, haunted by the images propagated by Nazi propaganda.

  • The psychological impact on Jews was profound, with many experiencing trauma and fear even before facing the horrors of the gas chambers.

Awareness of the Holocaust

  • Knowledge of Nazi atrocities began to emerge during the later years of the regime, but widespread awareness only came after Germany's defeat in World War II.

  • Survivors and witnesses documented the Holocaust, ensuring that the world would remember the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis.

  • Despite attempts by Nazi leadership to destroy evidence of their crimes, the memory of the Holocaust persists through memoirs, literature, documentaries, memorials, and museums worldwide.


Hitler's rise to power exploited economic, political, and social turmoil in Germany.

  • Nazism thrived on racial ideology, dehumanizing 'undesirable' groups like Jews.

  • Ordinary Germans were complicit through silence and apathy.

  • The Nazi regime dismantled democracy, wielded power through fear, and perpetrated atrocities.

  • Resistance efforts, though met with repression, symbolize the enduring human spirit.

  • The Holocaust serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of hatred and intolerance.

  • We must never forget the lessons of the past and strive for a world free from tyranny and atrocities.



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